Intigriti easter XSS challenge
My solution to Intigriti’s XSS challenge is:
The decoded payload after the fragment looks something like this:
#../index.php/lolman"><iframe srcdoc="<script src="/lol';alert(document.domain);-'"></script>">/diceme
One interesting thing to note is that most people used the reflection in the 403 page when files starting with .ht
were blocked whereas I used the reflection from the PHP’s weird path handling.
As per the norm, the requests to /index.php
and /index.php/anything/random
are both routed to /index.php
but a request to /index.php/haxed/me
ended up reflecting haxed
in one of the link tags in the response. The backend probably used PHP’s basename($_SERVER['SELF'])
to output the link tags, leading to the issue.
Overall, the challenge was pretty unique and I applaud intrigiti for coming up with it.